Material Risks

We Offer One Investment Strategy
Although the Firm’s investment advisory services are restricted to the management of investment portfolios in accordance with the investment objective(s) of the client, Our investment strategy is limited to the long-term compounding of capital by investing in concentrated equity mutual funds, equities (in certain circumstances), and private investment partnerships.  This strategy might not be the best strategy for your financial needs. The Firm’s investment strategy is appropriate only for individuals or entities wanting to compound capital in a tax-efficient manner over the long-term. The Firm manages only to this strategy, so is not an appropriate investment advisor for individuals or entities with other investment requirements, such as maximizing annual income.
Note: The Firm does not provide financial planning, estate planning, or any related or unrelated consulting services.

Our Investment Strategy is Not Designed to Maximize Annual Income
Unless otherwise instructed by the Client, we re-invest any income, such as dividends, to maximize the compounding of capital.

Past Performance of Profitability does not Guarantee Future Profit 
Past performance of profitability does not, in any way, guarantee future profit. This investment, like every investment in public markets, has risks that can not be controlled. The Client could suffer losses in the Account, at any given time. There is no loss protection guarantee.

An Investment Involves a High Degree of Risk
Our investment decisions are subject to various market, currency, economic, political, and business risks. Risk can possibly be adjusted through the Account’s allocation to various managers.  Therefore, before entering into an agreement with the Firm, the client should completely understand and feel comfortable with the inherent risks involved in this investment strategy.

An Investment Involves a High Degree of Market Volatility
Our services are only appropriate for Clients who can tolerate Market market volatility.  We do not seek to shield assets from market volatility. We do not utilize downside risk safeguards or stop-loss protections.

Liquidity and Lock-Up Periods
Investments in separately managed accounts offer a high degree of liquidity. Shares may be sold and converted to cash on a daily basis. Investments in the Partnerships offer less liquidity as they are subject to withdrawal restrictions.

Prior to Investing
Prior to investing, a potential client should speak with a representative of the Firm in order to completely understand the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses involved in having an account managed by the Firm. In addition, the potential client should read and completely understand the Firm’s Investment Advisory Agreement (the “Agreement”), disclosure documents (The Firm’s Form ADV Part II and Schedule F) and Firm policies which accompany the Agreement.